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There is a lot of controversy in the health and wellness arena regarding what is the best food plan to adopt for optimal living.  I enjoy hearing different doctors and experts discuss the latest research and reasoning behind the various approaches to health and diet.


There are conflicting ideas in some of the following podcasts, but I personally like to hear the arguments and research put forth from different interpretations of the data and then use my own judgment on which research I find more compelling (since some look at the same research and make different conclusions-glass half empty or glass half full kind of thing).  I find it’s important to remain open and flexible to making dietary and lifestyle changes based on the latest and most available research.  However, it is hard for me to put aside my plant-friendly bias! 

Here you will find a selection of some of my favorite health and wellness podcasts.

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The Exam Room

This vegan-promoting podcast is led by Chuck Carroll of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.  He interviews various doctors and experts from the health and wellness community discussing the varied aspects of nutrition.  One of my latest favorites was October 2 “Beating Breast Cancer with Dr. Kristi Funk.”


The Energy Blueprint

Ari Whitten interviews interesting experts in the field of diet, nutrition, and health.  One of my latest favorites is Episode 199 “Science-Based Fat Loss (Debunking Fat Loss Myths)” which looks at the controversy and latest studies between the low fat vs low carb diets and he also presents an interesting/ questionable approach to protein requirements. 

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The Plant Proof Podcast

The host Simon Hill is an Australian pursuing an advanced degree in nutrition and focuses on plant-based nutrition. I like his interviews because he asks really good questions as well as follows up on answers that need further explanation. One of my favorites is his interview on gut health with gastroenterologist Will Bulsiewicz in Episodes 17, 71, 80, and 81.   

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The Ian Cramer Podcast

I like how Ian tries to be open-minded even though he is plant-based.  I find that he is interested in hearing the arguments/research from many different approaches to health. 

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The Peter Attia Drive Podcast

Peter Attia, MD, is a knowledgeable doctor interested in the field of longevity and the best approaches to living life stronger as well as longer. His interviews can get very technical because I believe many in his audience are in the medical field.  While he is not plant-based I enjoy his wide-ranging in-depth interviews and find that there is a lot of overlap in healthy omnivore diets and plant-based diets. I highly recommend this podcast if you want to dig deep into a topic.  One of my favorite episodes was his 3-part interview (beginning in episode 47) with sleep expert Matthew Walker.  


Nutrition Rounds

Dr. Danielle Belardo is a vegan cardiologist interested in helping others enjoy good health by sharing her knowledge on plant based diet and cardiologas well as interviewing others plant-based doctors.  She does not have many episodes and the uploads are spotty as the podcast is not her top priority. She interviews interesting experts but could dig a little deeper with follow up questions to the interviewees answers.  



These ladies bring in interesting people to interview, but I find that the interviews could go deeper.  They explore the benefits of plant based eating on health and environment in an effort to inspire others to live a more plant-strong life. 

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