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Writer's pictureCourtney Lindner

Book of the Month

Instead of reviewing a book this month, I'd like to highlight an App that I have used in the past and found useful. The App is call Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen. This app is beneficial for new vegans, old vegans, or those wanting to follow a more plant-based way of life.

Dr. Greger wrote the best seller How Not to Die, a book I enjoyed reading a while back that highlights different diseases/cancers and which foods have been proven to help mitigate or prevent each one. His newest book is called How Not to Diet and is on my book list to read.

Dr. Greger's main claim to fame is his extensive web site NutritionFacts.Org which is a gold mine of nutrition topics and videos discussing the prevailing studies on each topic. He has devoted his life to sifting through nutrition studies and research on different foods/topics and relaying/translating the results for the public. Dr. Greger promotes veganism backed by science, but I am sometimes disappointed that he does not present both sides as fairly as could be done.

The App I am promoting is an outgrowth from his book How Not to Die. In his book, Dr. Greger highlights which food groups are the most healthful and how much of each group we should be eating per day for maximum health protection and benefits. He created the App to help track daily intake of these different food groups. The photo below is part one of the checklist; scroll down for the rest of the checklist.

Reasons why I recommend it:

  1. It's in checklist form. I love checking off boxes! After a while using the app, you will start to mentally check these boxes off which is why I don't use the app as much any more, but I check in from time to time.

  2. Each food group on the app links you to his web site (when you press the small "i") and the many videos for that particular food group. For example, under the Beans group, you can click on pinto beans and there is a link to 7 pinto bean videos- one example is "Pinto Beans vs. Black Beans."

  3. There is a graph option for you to see how well you have done for the day/month/year, but I think it would be more helpful if the graph tracked how well you did with each particular food group over time. For example, how well have you been keeping up with your bean intake for the month.

  4. In the settings you can enable reminders if that's something you're into.

  5. Serving sizes are provided for each group in either imperial or metric.

  6. It is hard to eat everything on the list! The good thing about this is that you fill yourself up with good stuff so there is not much room for the less than good stuff. I'm a BIG eater and even I was stuffed meeting every item on the list!

  7. There is also a link to Dr. Greger's latest videos which conveniently links you to his web site where you can search for anything else you are interested in.

  8. New to the app, so I'm unfamiliar with it, is the option "21 Tweaks" which is geared towards those who are not only interested in health, but also in weight loss. That option includes 21 additional categories to track providing such categories as: Time-restrict Eating, Weigh Twice Daily, Front-load Calories, Exercise Timing, Sufficient Sleep, andNegative Calorie Preload to name a few. However, when I followed the Daily Dozen checklist (health only part of the app) and reduced fats/oils as Dr. G suggests, I lost weight without making a conscious effort to.

Here is the rest of the Daily Dozen Checklist except for the B12 supplement box which didn't fit on this photo:

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