When you need a quick dessert that is creamy, delicious, and full of antioxidant goodness, try this nice cream. The freeze dried raspberries pack a sweet berry punch without being too seedy.
I keep a collection of bagged and sliced bananas (2 per pack) in the freezer for impromptu nice cream nights! Check out the other countless nice cream creations on this site.
Serves 2

1/2 cup freeze dried raspberries
3-4 squares Lilys dark chocolate squares
2 frozen bananas
1/4 tsp vanilla powder
Variation: Omit chocolate and add 1/4 tsp lemon extract and 1-2 tsp poppy seeds.
Place the freeze-dried raspberries in a Cuisinart or food processor and process until a powder.
Place the rest of the ingredients in the Cuisinart and process until smooth scraping down the sides from time to time.
